
It’s possible to define operations which are used to process the received value


Change Filter

settings OnChangeFilter

A filter which lets the value only pass when it’s different from the value that was passed the last time

field type: Literal['change filter'] [Required]

Filter which passes only changes


type: change filter

Range filter

settings RangeFilter

Filters or limits to values that are in a certain range

field min: float | None = None

minimum value that will pass

field max: float | None = None

maximum value that will pass

field limit: bool = False

Instead of ignoring the values they will be limited to min/max


type: range filter
min: 0

Delta Filter

settings DeltaFilter

A filter which lets the value only pass if the incoming value is different enough from value that was passed the last time. The delta can an absolute value or as a percentage. If multiple deltas are specified they are all checked.

field type: Literal['delta filter'] [Required]
field min: StrictInt | StrictFloat | None = None
field min %: StrictInt | StrictFloat | None = None


type: delta filter
min: 5
min %: 10
type: delta filter
min: 5
type: delta filter
min %: 10

Throttle Filter

settings ThrottleFilter

Filter which only lets one value pass in the defined period. If the last passed value is not at least period old any new value will not be forwarded.

field throttle filter: DurationType [Required]

Throttle period


throttle filter: 60


Refresh Action

settings RefreshAction

Action which lets every value pass. When no value is received (e.g. because an earlier filter blocks) this action will produce the last received value every interval.

field refresh action: DurationType [Required]

Refresh interval


refresh action: 01:30:00

Heartbeat Action

settings HeartbeatAction

Action which lets a value pass periodically every specified interval. When no value is received (e.g. because an earlier filter blocks) this action will produce the last received value every interval.

field heartbeat action: DurationType [Required]



heartbeat action: 30



settings Factor
field factor: Number [Required]

Factor with which the value gets multiplied


factor: -1


settings Offset
field offset: Number [Required]

Offset that gets added on the value


offset: 10


settings Round
field round: int [Required]

Round to the specified digits

  • ge = 0

  • le = 6


round: 2


Negative On Energy Meter Status

settings NegativeOnEnergyMeterWorkaround

Make value negative based on an energy meter status.

field negative on energy meter status: StrictBool | ObisHex [Required]

Set to “true” to enable or to “false” to disable workaround. If the default obis code for the energy meter is wrong set to the appropriate meter obis code instead


negative on energy meter status: true

Date time based

Virtual Meter

settings VirtualMeter

A virtual meter. It will output the difference from the last reset

field start now: bool [Required]

Immediately start instead of starting after the next reset

field reset times: list[time] = []

Time(s) of day when a reset will occur

field reset days: list[DayOfMonth | DayOfWeekStr] = []

Days of month or weekdays where the time(s) will be checked


type: meter
start now: False
reset times:
  - 02:00
reset days:
  - 1
  - monday

Max Value

settings MaxValue

Maximum value since last reset

field start now: bool [Required]

Immediately start instead of starting after the next reset

field reset times: list[time] = []

Time(s) of day when a reset will occur

field reset days: list[DayOfMonth | DayOfWeekStr] = []

Days of month or weekdays where the time(s) will be checked


type: max value
start now: True
reset times:
  - 02:00

Min Value

settings MinValue

Minimum value since last reset

field start now: bool [Required]

Immediately start instead of starting after the next reset

field reset times: list[time] = []

Time(s) of day when a reset will occur

field reset days: list[DayOfMonth | DayOfWeekStr] = []

Days of month or weekdays where the time(s) will be checked


type: min value
start now: True
reset times:
  - 02:00

Time series

Max Value

settings MaxOfInterval

Maximum value in a sliding interval

field interval: timedelta [Required]

Interval duration

field wait for data: bool [Required]

Only produce a value when data for the whole interval is available

field reset after value: bool = False

Clear all data as soon as a value has been produced


type: max interval
interval: 3600
wait for data: False

Min Value

settings MinOfInterval

Minimum value in a sliding interval

field interval: timedelta [Required]

Interval duration

field wait for data: bool [Required]

Only produce a value when data for the whole interval is available

field reset after value: bool = False

Clear all data as soon as a value has been produced


type: min interval
interval: 3600
wait for data: False

Mean Value

settings MeanOfInterval

Weighted mean in a sliding interval

field interval: timedelta [Required]

Interval duration

field wait for data: bool [Required]

Only produce a value when data for the whole interval is available

field reset after value: bool = False

Clear all data as soon as a value has been produced


type: mean interval
interval: 3600
wait for data: False



settings Or

A sequence of operations that will be evaluated one after another. The first value that gets returned by an operation will be used.

field or: OperationsListType [Required]
  • min_length = 1


  - type: change filter
  - heartbeat action: 60


settings Sequence

A sequence of operations that will be evaluated one after another. If one operation blocks this will return nothing.

field sequence: OperationsListType [Required]
  • min_length = 1


  - factor: 0.1
  - offset: -50


These are some examples for sml value configurations

Energy consumption today

This will report the power consumption of today. The first reported value every day will be 0 and then it will increase for every day.

obis: '0100010800ff'    # Obis code for the energy meter
  topic: energy_today   # MQTT topic for the meter
- type: meter
  start now: true       # Start immediately
  reset times:          # Reset at midnight
    - 00:00
- round: 1
- type: change filter      # Only report on changes
- refresh action: 01:00    # ... but refresh every hour

Downsample current power

This will report a power value every max every 30s. The reported value will be the weighted mean value of the last 30s.

obis: '0100100700ff'    # Obis code for the energy meter
  topic: power   # MQTT topic for the meter
- type: mean interval     # Calculate weighted mean over 30s
  interval: 30
  wait for data: False
- throttle filter: 30     # Let a value pass every 30s
- round: 0                # Round the mean value to the full number
- type: delta filter      # Only report when the value changes at least 10W or 5%
  min: 10
  min %: 5
- refresh action: 01:00   # ... but refresh every hour